Googly Eyes

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  • Googly Eyes




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4 Reviews
  • TSRachel

    So cute, so yummy!

    These are so super yummy. I had them last year and waited a full year to get them again. I asked for them but I haven't worked with puff pastry before so I wanted to watch first. It is an easy to follow recipe. I would make these over and over again. I just need to think of a non halloween way to make them. The only con to these is that if you let them sit after a day or 2 they will taste a bit greasy but, who would do that? They are sooo good warm.

  • Joshua


    Very simple very very good, great for all kinds of parties :-)

  • tsmetoyou

    cute but yucky

    These may be better with half the thickness of the was a big mouthful of dry mess.... It also was very difficult to cut each section into 30 pieces...

  • Missyts

    So cute!!!!!!!

    Love this for the kids dinner or for a fun sleepover party for all the kids to make!!!!!!